The Shaman’s Code of Ethics
You have the right:
*To know about my background and training.
*To end a session at any time, for any reason.
*To be treated with courtesy, compassion, and respect.
*To know the information I receive about the work I am doing for you.
*To ask and receive answers to any questions about shamanic methods.
*To know that Shamanic services can be a valuable part of a comprehensive
healing process but do not work in the same way as medical or
psychological treatment.
*To know that, your well being is my highest concern and that I can co-
partner with you and other providers to assist in the best possible outcome
for you.
I Will Not
*Divulge information information about you, without permission.
*Hurry the process, and will work with you at the best possible speed.
*Attempt to retrieve any information that will cause harm to anyone.
*Perform any type of service without your express, prior permission.